apt-fast, mas rapido que apt-get

"apt-fast" es un script creado por Matt Parnell que incrementa la velocidad de apt-get varias veces haciendo uso de axel. Para ello evidentemente tienes que tener instalado el acelerador de descargas axel.

Como instalar apt-fast:

Primero descargas apt-fast.sh del sitio de Matt Parnell. Descargas el archivo "apt-fast.sh".

Una vez descargado lo renombras a apt-fast, sin ".sh", le das permiso de ejecución y lo mueves a "/usr/bin/":

 mv apt-fast.sh apt-fast 

 chmod +x apt-fast 

 mv apt-fast /usr/bin/ 

A partir de este punto en lugar de hacer:

 apt-get install paquete 

tienes que hacer

 apt-fast install paquete 

Lo mismo para actualizar o para cualquier otra operación, tu simplemente tienes que sustituir apt-get por apt-fast, y a disfrutar a toda velocidad.

1 comentario en “apt-fast, mas rapido que apt-get

  1. -
    - hace 15 años

    Quiero compartir con vosotros lo que le he escrito a Matt:
    Hello! How are you?

    The reason I write is apt-fast.

    I think it’s fantastic! It is ideal and just what I was waiting for so long!

    However I would say a few things:

    First off: It would be much more comfortable to have a deb package to install and uninstall it very easily.

    Secondly: It seems to me that your intention in writing this script has been speed up downloads, thus expediting the process of installation, upgrade. I mean, you wanted to make the Linux experience more comfortable. Isn it?

    But please, stop and think: Is it always comfortable to type apt-fast instead of apt-get?

    It would be much more comfortable, that when you install apt-fast (deb) that will replace apt-get!
    Then, as usual we write apt-get and we’re done!
    After uninstalling the package apt-fast, the replaced apt-get goes back to its initial state, and anything is normal (= slow).

    I also wonder if this script also works with UpdateManager and synaptic?

    Another very important thing I want to mention is that I as average user (without any programming skills) most prefer to build my own packages with apt-build. I don’t know if you know these processes, but the truth is it takes less time to compile a package, than all the downloads (all the dependencies).
    This raises the question: Where should download be more quickly, with apt-get or apt-build (where you really GET the packages and its dependencies)?

    Thank you very much for your attention.
    I would like if you could answer.
    Yours sincerely,

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